Saturday, January 19, 2013


This Angelus message is from a few weeks ago, but we thought you might still like to see it...

Epiphany of the Lord – January 6, 2013


            This morning, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, during the Holy Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica, ordained four new bishops.  Following the Mass, the Holy Father prayed the Angelus with all the pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter's Square.  He spoke about the faith of the magi.  At Christmas, we see the faith of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, and on the Epiphany, we contemplate the mystery of the faith of the wise men from the East.  He pointed out that in the Eastern Churches following the Julian calendar celebrate Christ's birth on this day, and he asked all to keep them in prayer.

            In speaking about the magi from the East, he taught that they represent peoples, the civilizations, the nations, that are on their way toward God and searching for His Kingdom.  Mary and Joseph represent the “remnant” of Israel foretold by the prophets.  Embodied by Mary, there was a nucleus of Israel who knew and believed in the God who revealed Himself to the patriarchs.  She becomes the Mother of God and the model of faith for the Church.  As can be seen, however, by the Magi, the People of the New Covenant is universal.  Pope Benedict declared, “...the light of Christ is so clear and strong that it makes both the language of the cosmos and of the Scriptures intelligible, so that all those who, like the Magi, are open to the truth can recognize it and come to contemplate the Savior of the world”.  Quoting Saint Leo the Great, he continued, “Let the full number of nations now take their place in the family of the patriarchs... let all people adore the Creator of the universe; let God be known, not only in Judea, but in the whole world”. 

Blessed Epiphany!

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