May 22, 2013. St. Peter's Square.
In today's audience, Pope Francis spoke about the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and in the life of believers. Here is a summary:

Evangelization is the mission of the church, not just of
some, but of all of us, of me, of you, of all of us. Pope Paul VI said that evangelization is the
grace and the proper vocation of the Church; it is her most profound identity. The Church exists to evangelize.
The Holy Spirit is the “motor” of evangelization: as in the the
Church’s beginning at Pentecost, so also today.
This means that in order to evangelize, we need to open ourselves to the
horizon of the Holy Spirit, without fear and without asking where He will lead us. We have to pray, and we also need to ask
ourselves: Do I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit in such a way that my
life and my testimony of faith are of unity and communion? What do I do with my life? Do I create unity, or do I divide by chatter,
criticism, and envy? We have to think
about what we do.
The Holy Spirit will also give us the courage to announce
the Gospel with frankness, openly and clearly, in every time and place. He will give us energy for the mission and
new ways to do it. Evangelizing, that
is, proclaiming Christ, gives us joy; egoism makes us bitter and sad—it brings
us down. But evangelizing brings us up.

Prayer is particularly important in this mission of
evangelization. We must always start
with prayer and go from there, from the fire of the Holy Spirit. Without prayer, our action is empty and our
proclamation has no soul.
Let’s renew everyday our faith in the action of the Holy
Spirit, our faith that He acts in us and lives in us. He gives us apostolic fervor, peace, and joy. Let’s allow ourselves to be guided by Him—we are
men and women of prayer!—let’s announce the gospel with courage, and so become
in our world instruments of unity and communion for God.
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